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Old 08-07-2012, 11:20 PM   #3
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Default Re: Question about items

Originally Posted by ghuqu View Post
I've just bought the game and I am not clear on what cards I can put on the table as carried items as opposed to cards that I hold in my hand.

Curse, monster, and one-shot items etc...are held in my hand, correct?

Items I've equipped are laid out in front of me, while cards I am carrying are turned sideways on the table? I guess my confusion is what cards are acceptable to lay sideways.

Exampe: If I am an elf, can some of the cards that are turned sideways be items that only wizards can use? Is this a good way to accumulate enough cards to sell and level up, or barter with in case I need help with a monster? Also, if I have equipped a big item, I cannot carry a big item too, just a lot of small items?

I hope my questions make sense, I'm just trying to figure out the difference between cards facing the game, and cards that are turned sideways.
The rules define an Item as anything that has a gold piece value (even if it is "No Value").

Any Itens on the table are being carried. You can carry as many Small Itens you want, but only one Big Item.

If an Item is on the table and you are able to use its powers than you are also wearing it. You have a limit of Itens you can wear: one Headgear, one Footgear, one Armor, one 2-Handed or two 1-Handed. Also, you can't wear something that is against your Class/Race/sex/whatever written on the card.

If you have any Item you are carrying but not wearing, you can turn it sideways. You can choose to change what's turned if you are not in combat (as long as the new Item being worn doesn't break a rule, obviously).

The advantages of having Itens being carried but not worn are that you can trade them, you can lose them to Curses instead of the Itens that gives you a bonus sometimes. And you may put them on the table instead of giving them away in the Charity phase.

The disadvantages are a Thief can steal them, you lose the element of surprise if it's a one-shot Item.
Igor Toscano
MiB: #1602
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