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Old 01-19-2022, 08:11 AM   #2
the_matrix_walker's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Lynn, MA
Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Klurt'ogosh'oammeo walked the streets of Nar Shaddaa. He was clad in the armor of his order, a dull grey bodysuit with stylized lines in varying other shades of grey and black. The helmet and gloves were disengaged bearing his uniquely pure white hair and the typical red eyes and blue skin of the Chiss.

He wondered if this place could possibly be of help to him in his studies, but knows that the mission at hand, whatever it may be, involves repaying a debt for the Jensaarai and there was little hope for the furthering of enlightenment in this place.

He found the bustle disquieting. While he had learned better than most of his race to embrace the differences of other peoples and cultures, the sheer number of different species and the heard bits of a hundred languages weighed on him as he searched for his contact...
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