Thread: Expansions
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Old 06-13-2013, 05:03 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Expansions

This is purely a matter of taste. Many players simply add expansions to their current base sets, while others will pick and choose which cards to add ("tuning"). Note that the base set is required to use the expansions, so avoid trimming cards out of that one.

Personally, I just keep adding cards. I found a YouTube video that taught me how to shuffle multiple decks (like casino Blackjack dealers do). Also, you don't have to go in order! You can play with Base+2, Base+3, or Base+2+3. The number of combinations multiply as you buy more expansions.

If you feel like there are too many GUAL cards, for example, take a few out and leave them in the box. Some people remove the Kneepads of Allure or other high-powered cards, feeling they unbalance their game for how they and their friends prefer to play. Feel free to modify your deck as you see fit!
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