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Old 08-26-2010, 05:00 PM   #19
Turhan's Bey Company
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Default Re: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 12: Ninja

Originally Posted by Stone Dog View Post
I'm really happy to hear all that, but can we get some light details? Like "The Assassin (since that seems to be the name of the template) gets X, but the Thief still gets Y?"
Ninja are good with light weapons, kinda like the swashbuckler, but instead of being devastating with one weapon they're very good with a range of them. They're also good with improvised weapons. Like thieves, they're good at sneaking around, but they don't have the thief's depth of skill at valuing goods or conning people rather than burglarizing them. They get their effectiveness from specialized gear and almost-but-not-quite-supernatural abilities, which require a certain level of maintenance; lose your fancy ninja gear in the middle of an adventure and you can't use your shticks as effectively; fail to do your ninja exercises and your nigh-mystical abilities degrade.

ETA: as pointed out, the Assassin isn't a ninja. It's a template for a sneak-around-and-kill-people character which doesn't use specifically ninja equipment and traits.
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