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Old 11-05-2018, 01:01 PM   #2
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Default Re: Casting spells on large figures

A dang good question, and one which a single rule of thumb may not cover. I can see at least three ways to look at the reasoning behind the magic.

1) For magic that covers a volume, like Invisibility, then I think it has to have a per-hex cost. Otherwise if the cost is the same for a person and a large dragon, then you should be able make a crowd of people (14 hexes worth) invisible for the same cost too.

2) For magic that might be classes as "holistic", in that it effects either the whole being or none of it, like Stone Flesh or Freeze, then one could argue the cost is on per-target basis rather than the per-size basis. Or one could argue the opposite as well, on the grounds that the more matter you have to affect, the greater the cost. These occupy the middle-ground of the rule argument.

3) For magic that is an enhanced sense or effect, like Far Vision or Mage Sight, it acts independently of the target's volume and should cost the same for all sizes.
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