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Old 05-19-2013, 04:07 PM   #11
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Default Re: Repair Questions

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Nitrous Oxide: it doesn't have it's own DP. Should the cost be included in the engine cost when calculating engine repair/replacement values (e.g. if the engine takes 2 hits of damage)? That's the way I'm treating Carburetors, BP/TH, and Turbo/Super-chargers. For now, I will assume that goes for Nitrous too.

As far as I can tell, the Repair Jobs list does not list a difficulty to repair accessories, or things other than tires, weapons, power plants, computers, fifth wheels, and copter rotors. For instance: a laser battery, rocket boosters, galley, sound enhancement, etc. I will assume "Medium", which is the catch-all for "other weapons".

And how long does it take to install new armor? Normally when repairing it takes one successful roll per point of damage (or one per three for armor), but when replacing it only takes one success to remove the junk and another success to install the replacement. It seems odd that it might take only an hour or two to replace the armor on an entire vehicle, though you might imagine it's easier to install entire sheets of armor rather than spot-welding fixes or whatever. Maybe it should be one remove/replace success per armor facing?
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