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Old 06-27-2019, 08:07 AM   #16
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Default Re: Some questions on Spaceships

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
Ok, so I reread the relevant parts, and this makes no sense to me. So, they are explosive, just not represented by the ex modifier when they actually hit something? Instead they get +4 TH and can deal MoS (max x10) hits (presumably only to the target).
This isn't an explosion dealing damage directly, but the penetrator bursting to create more (but less effective, thus the loss of armor divisor) submunitions.
Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
What if I want ion missiles that stun ships, more penetration, or different range?
While it has some superscience technology, the Spaceships core book largely avoids outright magic like Star Wars style "ion" weapons. If you want to introduce something like that, you would probably need to come up with the stats yourself.
Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
Sure, there's a lot of approximations, and that's fair. I also agree that missiles need higher speeds if targets are faster. But that still doesn't really make sense that individual missiles will differ in lethality depending on this, unless the scale is fixed by setting (or at least campaign). This may be implicit, since choosing TL and what (super)science is allowed may make one engine type far superior to others, even if it's not explicitly the case in the rules.
Actual movement is abstracted, but at Distant/20 sec, ships are assumed to be moving very fast relative to each other, while at Close/10 min, they are assumed to be very slow. When you launch a missile, it starts at the same speed as the launching vessel. At Distant/20 sec, the engine is primarily used for maneuver, not velocity.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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