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Old 04-26-2010, 07:49 AM   #52
Join Date: Feb 2005
Default Re: Psionics in 4th Ed: I'm not getting it...

Originally Posted by Captain-Captain View Post
And in doing all that, it became a heavier crunch book than Powers itself, which didn't do that. This btw is NOT an attack on Psionic Powers. It's a statement of a simple fact and relevant here by the other simple fact that the OP specifically used Psionic Powers as an example of why she was having trouble getting back into to GURPS.

Finding ways to dilute the crunch or make it easy for the newbie to build up an immunity to it's crunch shock would be good things to do.
I agree that overall, GPP was crunch-heavy. However, I also believe that the upramp to that crunch was done well. And remember that there are more types of players than just new or returning interested in GURPS publications. That alone requires many levels in any publication. And is part and parcel of publishing GURPS as an encompassing system, a toolkit.

The issue I think is the layout of the book. (Yet I'd not change it in any way. For me, it works.) It gives the base ability, a description, and then how the author designed the ability, level by level. For a new or returning player, that 3d step is a doozy. And there is where the crunch overwhelms folks. Yet, a disclaimer, or a formal drawing of lines between lighter and heavier rules, would offend some folks. And, do we really want or need two books, creamy and crunchy, for every genre?
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