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Old 12-16-2004, 08:38 AM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Here's something I don't get about Coventry...

The only problem with snatching a Bacon, a Newton, or an Einstein for *either* exile in Coventry or a cushy job with Infinity is that you're likely to cause a divergence and kick the alternate into a different quantum.

That said, if it *was* a Newton who found out about you (perhaps in his efforts to root out coiners while he was running the Mint, since Infinity personnel frequently need to use counterfeit money when first setting up operations), I can't see Infinity wasting him in Coventry. For one thing, if you let the concentration of true geniuses in Coventry get *too* high, some of them are eventually going to get together and figure out a way out or a means of hijacking the world from you that you could never conceive of...

Actually, now you're making me think that Coventry could actually be a great campaign background. "Make yourself a character from any conceivable historical or alternate historical background, whose backstory could possibly involve finding out about Infinity operations and needing to be snatched." Is Coventry actually run on the ground by Infinity personnel, or are the snatchees left to govern themselves however they want? One way, you've got a rebellion campaign, the other you've got a potentially Hobbesian or Riverworld type of situation.
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