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Old 10-07-2019, 02:14 PM   #22
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Super HP [Supers]

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
Well, it does in some specialized cases (mostly force fields) but in general what I'd probably do is:
Injury Tolerance (Super) ???
If you take more than three injury in a single turn, look up the total injury on the range/speed chart and add 2; that is the actual injury taken.
A logarithmic Injury Tolerance would be interesting, but of course rather difficult to work out the fair cost of. Attacks usually don't exceed somewhere around 50d (for antitank weapons), for which the average damage* drops from 175 to around 13, which is a divisor of roughly 13.5 A more common, but still fairly powerful, attack is going to be around 5d (rifle), which goes from 17.5 to 7, which is only a divisor of 2.5. Something like a powerful SMG or pistol might deal 3d, which goes from 10.5 to 6, a divisor of 1.75. A typical pistol hovers somewhere near 2d, which goes from 7 to around 4.67, a divisor of 1.5. Finally, a typical unarmed attack hovers somewhere around 1d, which goes from 3.5 to around 3.17, a divisor of around 1.11. If we were to assume each of these magnitudes of attack are roughly equally common, that indicates an average divisor of around 4, implying a proper base cost (ignoring the fact you need to use FP to activate it) of around [100]. Note that, for attacks that deal less than 40 HP injury, IT:DR 4 [100] is actually a better deal, while this IT:Super is better when attacks deal more than 40 HP injury. That... doesn't strike me as an outright horrible compromise.

*Aside from 1d, where most of the rolls are unaffected, I calculated this by simply averaging the results of max, min, and a straight average roll.
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