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Old 10-10-2015, 09:48 PM   #113
Peter Knutsen
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Europe
Default Re: Odious Personal Habits

Originally Posted by Otaku View Post
*Given how often even self-professing "believers" of my own faith get things wrong, I don't know how relevant it actually is.
Religion and culture are often hard to tell apart.

There may well be a quranic sentence, or a hadith, that defines touching food with one's left hand as being sinful, but my take on things is that it's a Middle Eastern thing, one that arose long before the 6th century, and that a Jew or a Middle Eastern Christian (or even a Middle Eastern Zoroastrian) would be about as horrified at seeing food handled with the toilet hand as a Middle Eastern Moslem would (and likewise that a Moslem many generations removed from the Middle East might not be horrified at all, in fact might even notice it, same way few if any westernized Jews would).

So in GURPS terms it's a CF thing, not a Theology thing (although it should probably also be an OPH thing).

Or if you employ the CF/RF split that I've suggested as being useful for historical fantasy campaigns (that itself being a simplified version of what I do in Sagatafl, e.g. to simulate my Ärth setting) then the toilet hand thing belongs in the CF camp and not in the RF camp, according to my take on things.
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