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Old 05-08-2017, 06:31 PM   #24
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Ramming Speed vs Throwing Speed with a side order of Log ST

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
So, here's a super-simple rule for throwing with log ST:

Throwing: you can execute a one-handed throw of any object with a weight of less than 1xBL. To determine throw speed and half damage range, look up the object's weight on the BL table and find the appropriate ST. The object's Move and 1/2D Range is (your ST) - (ST to lift the object as 1xBL). Its Maximum range is equal to Move * (1+Move/10). Using two hands or extra time to throw adds to ST (say, +3 for two hands, +1 per turn spent winding up).

Example: a ST 10 man attempts to lob a 5 lb brick. Looking up 5 lb on the BL chart, we find a ST of 4 as required, so the brick has a half damage range of 6 yards and a maximum range of 9.6 yards. A 5 lb homogeneous object has 14 hp, so its damage is (6 x 14) / 100 = 0.84d, or 1d-1. A lighter 2 lb rock would be thrown at move 10 and do (10 x 10)/100 = 1d.

(note: the fact that homogeneous objects do twice as much damage as unliving objects in collisions is a bit nonsensical).
Won't doing damage according to the usual collision/Slam rules mean that characters with higher log ST will eventually be doing orders of magnitude more damage with thrown objects than with hand to hand? It would probably be far simpler to keep damage done as Thrust, maybe with per die modifiers for how the object's weight compares to BL and for how hard the object is.

It also seems that even for Move and distance thrown, these will only increase linearly and quadratically, so going from ST 10 to ST 40 would only increase the velocity and 1/2D distance of the brick in the example above from 6 to 36, and the maximum distance thrown from 9.6 to 165.6 yards, even though the force used in the throw is a thousand times as great.
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