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Old 02-12-2010, 04:59 PM   #498
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Location: Tampa, Florida
Default Re: Why isn't GURPS as popular as the D20 system and games

There is no 4th edition d20 SRD, no. However, given the nature of the SRD/OGL of 3.5 edition d20, any sufficiently strong publisher could pick it up and run with it much like how Paizo has made off with Pathfinder. I find this particularly amusing because when the OGL was explained, they addressed the question of, "Couldn't someone publish and sell the SRD?" And the answer was yes, they could, but who would pay for it if it already existed for free? The point wasn't so much that people wouldn't buy it, but that it could still be sold. And with the official abandonment for 3.5, a market gap has opened.

New name, some slight updates to the rules, republish and prosper.

Last edited by Mylon; 02-12-2010 at 05:09 PM.
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