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Old 01-12-2016, 09:38 AM   #1
Alden Loveshade
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Default How Vulnerable is Vulnerability

This is a complicated question about Vulnerability, but I'll try to break it down.

I certainly understand there's a difference between Weakness (B161) and Vulnerability (also B161). But it seems like there can be some overlap between the two.

Specifically, imagine a character with a Vulnerability to heat/fire as listed in Limited Defenses (B46). In the same way a boulder that fell on a character with a Vulnerability to crushing damage could cause additional damage whether it was dropped on him purposely or got loose, I think the heat/fire Vulnerability character could receive more damage from heat/fire whether it was natural or from an opponent. Thus fire from a fireplace could do more damage to her than to her non-Vulnerable friend.

But would this also apply to things like losing fatigue from heat, or to heat stroke (B434)?
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