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Old 04-09-2021, 05:24 PM   #15
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Supers] A More Scientific Golden Age

The main problem is (apart from the fact that I'm responding while tired again, due to the fact that if I don't, I might not reply at all) that it's been long enough since I started working on the character that I don't have a very clear memory of my logic re: Speed Tricks. I think it was something like 'these are not so much abilities on their own, as things that he learned to do with his other powers,' but that's not necessarily a good reason to have even that -5%, so there may be something that I'm forgetting. I've occasionally considered recalculating without it, and I may do that later.

As for Superscience, it's his power source, but I'm starting to wonder if it should be a power modifier, basically for the reasons you've given.

Hopefully I'm being clear about this, and haven't phrased anything too badly.
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-- Tacitus

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