Thread: Ogre ramming
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Old 09-08-2019, 12:14 PM   #6
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Ogre ramming

Rules-As-Written, the Push happens during Movement, the charge defense happens later, and since the figure did not stand still, he doesn't get the +2 DX.

It is a case where the RAW doesn't make much logical sense, so really I would use GM discretion (or houserule) otherwise rather than trying to figure out the technical most-accurate reading of the RAW. There is precedent in the Pike rules to let pole weapons reach being penetrated during movement get to attack during Movement, and I'm sure the reason that's not in the rules is to avoid complexity, even though it'd make more sense.

I, having played TFT and GURPS for decades, now greatly favor making sense over reduced complexity, so I'd tend to have the defensive polearm attacks happen before the Push, during Movment, if I were running a game for realism-oriented players rather than new people and/or people wanting to play RAW.
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