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Old 07-03-2019, 11:18 AM   #4221
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Try this one...


The Saga designation covers worlds were history diverges in the North Atlantic Viking settlements or the lands associated with them. Saga-2 has the Irish reach Iceland early and with non-clergy in the groups. Thus the Norse find a settled island. Both Saga-1 and Saga-4 involve successful Vinland colonies. Saga-7 has no Norse settlements of either Iceland or Greenland. Saga-3 as well as four and eight, Iceland stays free of Norse Royal control. In Saga-8 Iceland joins the Hanseatic League. However, Saga-5 is different.

In most parallels were the Norse settle Greenland the colony dies out in later Middle Ages crushed between climate change, royal mismanagement, and insane trade restrictions. However, although the local year in this Q5 parallel is1495, the Greenland Norse colony is vital and thriving!

Anthropologists studied the colony and found that someone had introduced genetically modified grains (Oats, Barley, and an exotic grain called Red Rye{It looks like Rye, tastes like Chestnuts}) and some similarly modified herbs, fruits, and fodder crops, into the colony. These crops thrived in Greenland.

According to records and other evidence these crops were introduced around 1150 AD' three and a half centuries ago. No known society capable of world-jumping could create these crops. This means that there have been or at this are are, others out there more deadly than Centrum and the Cabal combined.

Both Centrum and the Cabal have bought seed corn for each of these crops. Red Rye particularly looks like a winner. But both are searching Saga-5 for more evidence.

Since the few records about the introduction of the new crops say that the people who brought the crops claimed to be Welsh folk working for the Great-Grandson of Merlin the Wizard, Wales is a place to look. As the sailors that maned the ships said they were Icelanders and the Welsh-folk hired them in Reykjavik, Iceland is also high priority. As the nearest known relatives of the modified oats came from Caithness, Scotland is worth a look. And the Barley points to Finland.
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo

Last edited by Astromancer; 07-04-2019 at 05:44 PM.
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