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Old 10-09-2016, 11:51 AM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [AtE] Hand-Held Power Generator / Hand Crank

For my Vehicles conversion, I have muscle powered generators produce BL/60 kW, costing the character 1 FP every 15 minutes. That's probably appropriate for a pedal system; BL/75 may be more appropriate for a hand crank (80% of leg power). Weight depends on the TL of the design and its maximum output - TL 4 is 100 lb/kW, TL 5 is 50 lb/kW, TL 6 is 20 lb/kW, and TL 7+ is 10 lb/kW. Nominal cost is $5/lb, but expect that to be much higher in an AtE setting. I'll also note that the normal rule for increasing price by TL doesn't quite work out here, as a 1 kW TL 7 hand crank would cost $400 (x8) and weigh 10 lb, while a TL 4 one would cost $500 and weigh 100 lb. It might be better to price it by kW instead - $100 per kW ($0.10 per W) at TL 4 might work (making the 100 lb generator cost $100, and the 10 lb one cost $800).

If you need a hand crank that's fully usable by an ST 16 (BL 51.2) character, that calls for 680 W. A TL 4 design is $68 and 68 lb, while a TL 7 one (left over from before the End) is $544 and 6.8 lb. If an ST 10 character tries to use it, it'll work*, but will only produce around 267 W.

*This assumes the thing is designed to be able to shift gears or similar so that a weaker character can use it. You might be able to drop that part of the design to shave off some cost and weight, but I'd suggest against it.
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