Thread: Boomdagger
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Old 05-20-2013, 04:14 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2013
Default Re: Boomdagger

Oh, and here's a situation that's worth asking about...

Suppose the following happens.

Player A has a Boomdagger, and discards it from play by using, say, a thievery ability (he'll get it back at his next turn). Of course, it still goes in the discard pile until it comes back.

Player B, during his turn, either uses a Cleric ability or some other card to get the Boomdagger from the discard pile, and puts it in play.

Now, what happens?

Does Player A get his Boomdagger back?

If Player A does get his Boomdagger back, then does the ability activate for Player B at that point, causing Player B to get it back on his turn? Thus, theoretically, the Boomdagger would bounce back and forth between the two players until some other event happened that stopped the loop.
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