Thread: Why Magic Items
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Old 07-06-2020, 07:09 PM   #17
Steve Plambeck
Join Date: Jun 2019
Default Re: Why Magic Items

Originally Posted by larsdangly View Post
Was that situation a railroad or something that emerged naturally from an encounter gone bad?
No, it was a long-planned multi-part underground adventure, beautiful in every way, with a huge twist. It was our "Journey To The Center of the Earth" campaign, with an eccentric NPC wizard leading us on a search for our world's equivalent of Hades, following clues by an Arne Saknussemm type character that had preceded us. Most of what occurred in Jules Verne's novel came up in play, with entering our game world's after-life at the end being the main difference. And much like the Greek underworld, our god of death ran the place, an army of demons under him, and visitors (whether they be the souls of the dead, or living adventurers) were not allowed to leave. Ever.

How we were rescued is a long story, but suffice to say we had one chance to escape literal Hell, we took it, returned to the land of the living, and ungrateful wretches that we were we then complained we'd lost all our stuff, even though technically we'd all been brought back from the dead -- LOL.
"I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right."
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