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Old 07-04-2020, 12:59 PM   #16
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Blur Ring costs less than a Blur Spell

^ Yes, I think magic item transactions become much more interesting when they're turned into game situations and played out.

I like to include multiple NPCs in the considerations, including whoever the GM knows of who might be in the market. This tends to mean that the local powerful and wealthy wizards, nobles, military and other wealthy/powerful people tend to be in the market for magic items, and that their social status/power/influence and relationships tend to put them at a major advantage in such deals. After all, the richest and most powerful local people probably have as much interest and more means to buy magic items than practically any adventurers, and as someone with a magic item to sell, would you rather sell it to some adventurers, or to someone with influence and power who might tend to appreciate it if you'd sell it to them (and who might have additional non-monetary ways to reward you), and not be so happy with you if you sold it to adventurers instead?
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