Thread: IT:DR pricing
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Old 01-11-2019, 08:39 PM   #19
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: IT:DR pricing

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
It roughly halves the frequency of failing dodges -- i.e. it makes you twice as tough, just like IT(DR) 2,
That's only true in very, very unusual circumstances such as where the character is built inefficiently and the player also doesn't know how to play the game. Otherwise, you run into the more usual case where you're dodging 75%-90% of all attacks vs dodging 40%-60% and reducing half the damage.

except dodge is generally easier to bypass than IT(DR).
The misconception is that you need to bypass IT:DR. You can just do enough damage that it never mattered at all. That's something you really can't do vs dodge. Besides, I've found its easier to boost dodge (both in building and play) than to synergize with IT:DR.

Edit: also getting back to the original point, with KYOS in play I'd be reluctant to allow the higher levels. A progressive cost progression seemed like a good way to encourage the lower levels more and discourage the higher levels entirely. Using /2 = 30. /3 = 60. /5 = 120. /10 = 270 rather than /2 = 50, /3 = 75, and /5 = 125, /10 = 150 is a bit of a break at the first few but effectively caps it around /10.

Last edited by naloth; 01-11-2019 at 08:44 PM.
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