Thread: Greater Deities
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Old 02-06-2006, 05:25 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2005
Default Re: Greater Deities

I freely admit that my perspective on the Ethereals tends to make them a bit more formidable than most other people's, however limiting the number of Greater Deities to less than that of Archangels or Demon Princes seems to not take into account the infinite vastness of the Far Marches. Certainly most Greater Deities aren't a match for the Superiors of either side, but thats more a matter of relative strength than numbers.

I ended up with more Greek deities as Greater than I intended because obviously if any of them were going to be at that level Athena had to (she's ruling Olympus after all) & I wanted there to be both Apollian & Dionysian camps (primarily as a Neitch reference). Well then I came to the conclusion that if Apollo was a Greater Deity than certainly his twin sister should be aswell, so that added Artemis to the list. I forced myself to stop there.
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