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Old 08-13-2022, 07:18 PM   #8
GCA Prime
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Portland, OR
Default Re: A Character keeps crashing GCA and other requests



st(1), thr(1d-11), sw(1d-9)
st(2), thr(1d-10), sw(1d-8)
st(3), thr(1d-9), sw(1d-7)
st(4), thr(1d-8), sw(1d-6)
st(5), thr(1d-7), sw(1d-5)
st(6), thr(1d-6), sw(1d-4)
st(7), thr(1d-5), sw(1d-3)
st(8), thr(1d-4), sw(1d-2)
st(9), thr(1d-3), sw(1d-1)
st(10), thr(1d-2), sw(1d)
st(11), thr(1d-1), sw(1d+1)
st(12), thr(1d), sw(1d+2)
st(13), thr(1d+1), sw(2d-1)
st(14), thr(1d+2), sw(2d)
st(15), thr(2d-1), sw(2d+1)
st(16), thr(2d), sw(2d+2)
st(17), thr(2d+1), sw(3d-1)
st(18), thr(2d+2), sw(3d)
st(19), thr(3d-1), sw(3d+1)
st(20), thr(3d), sw(3d+2)

st(0), thr((((ST:Damage Base-3) \ 4) - 1)d(+@indexedvalue(@modulo(ST:Damage Base-3,4)+1, -1, 0, +1, +2))), sw((((ST:Damage Base-1) \ 4) - 1)d(+@indexedvalue(@modulo(ST:Damage Base-1,4)+1, -1, 0, +1, +2)))

ST, symbol(ST), basevalue(10), step(1), maxscore(1000000), minscore(0 - me::syslevels), 
	up(10), down(-10), mainwin(1), disadat(-1), display(no)

Basic Lift, basevalue(@int(2 * 10 ^ (ST:Lifting ST / 10))), maxscore (1000000), minscore(0), symbol(BL), roundup(@if(ST:Lifting ST::score <= 7 then 0 else 1))

Hit Points, basevalue(ST:ST), step(1), maxscore(1000000), minscore(0 - me::syslevels), 
	up(2), down(-2), symbol(HP), mainwin(5), display(no), disadat(-1)

Striking ST, basevalue(ST:ST), step(1), maxscore(1000000), minscore(ST:ST), up(1), down(0), round(-1), display(No)

Lifting ST, basevalue(ST:ST), step(1), maxscore(1000000), minscore(ST:ST), up(7), down(0), round(-1), display(No)

TK ST, basevalue(0), maxscore(1000000), minscore(0), hide(yes), display(no)
TK Basic Lift, basevalue(@int(2 * 10 ^ (ST:TK ST / 10))), maxscore(1000000), minscore(0), symbol(TK BL), roundup(@if(ST:TK ST::score <= 7 then 0 else 1)), hide(yes), display(no)

Extra ST, 10/20, page(B14), mods(Extra ST), initmods(Affects displayed ST score, +0%, shortname(Affects ST), gives(+Owner::Level to ST:ST), group(Extra ST), description(This modifier causes the Extra ST advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove this modifier.)),
	description(The Extra ST advantage allows you to take extra levels of the attribute which you can then apply enhancements and limitations to. The "Affects displayed score" modifier causes the Extra ST advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove that modifier.)
Extra Hit Points, 2/4, page(B16), mods(Extra Hit Points), initmods(Affects displayed HP score, +0%, shortname(Affects HP), gives(+Owner::Level to ST:Hit Points), group(Extra Hit Points), description(This modifier causes the Extra Hit Points advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove this modifier.)),
	description(The Extra Hit Points advantage allows you to take extra levels of the attribute which you can then apply enhancements and limitations to. The "Affects displayed score" modifier causes the Extra Hit Points advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove that modifier.)	

Lifting ST, 7/14, gives(+1 to ST:Lifting ST), conditional(+1 to ST:ST), mods(Lifting ST), page(B65), cat(Exotic, Physical)

Striking ST, 1/2, gives(+1 to ST:Striking ST), mods(Striking ST), page(B89), cat(Exotic, Physical), conditional(+1 to ST:ST)

Reduced ST, -10/-20, page(B14), mods(Reduced ST), initmods(Affects displayed ST score, +0%, shortname(Affects ST), gives(-owner::Level to ST:ST), group(Reduced ST), description(This modifier causes the Reduced ST advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove this modifier.)),
	description(The Reduced ST disadvantage allows you to take reduced levels of the attribute which you can then apply enhancements and limitations to. The "Affects displayed score" modifier causes the Reduced ST advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove that modifier.)
Reduced Hit Points, -2/-4, page(B16), mods(Reduced Hit Points), initmods(Affects displayed HP score, +0%, shortname(Affects HP), gives(-owner::Level to ST:Hit Points), group(Reduced Hit Points), description(This modifier causes the Reduced Hit Points advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove this modifier.)),
	description(The Reduced Hit Points disadvantage allows you to take reduced levels of the attribute which you can then apply enhancements and limitations to. The "Affects displayed score" modifier causes the Reduced Hit Points advantage to affect the displayed attribute score. If you don't wish this advantage to affect the displayed score remove that modifier.)
Size, -0%, formula(-@if(ST:Size Modifier > 0 THEN ST:Size Modifier * 10 else 0)), forceformula(yes), page(B15)

<Size HP>
Size, -0%, formula(-@if(ST:Size Modifier > 0 & ST:Hit Points::level > 0 THEN ST:Size Modifier * 10 else 0)), forceformula(yes), page(B15)

<Size ST>
Size, -0%, formula(-@if(ST:Size Modifier > 0 & ST:ST::level > 0 THEN ST:Size Modifier * 10 else 0)), forceformula(yes), page(B15)
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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