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Old 08-10-2020, 05:11 PM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: Why mine Saturn for He-3

Actually, there is some argument concerning that. While many of the models have D-T reactions occur faster than D-D, they do not bear out in the test reactors. The most successful fusion reactor on Earth is a D-D reactor in the UK (the MAST, if I remember correctly), which reaches 70% efficiency, and none of the D-T experiments reaches even half that amount except in microsecond bursts.

Even if D-T does burn faster than D-D though, it would increase the effective energy production by 60% and get rid of the security issues, so I doubt that anyone would mind. You would need to burn around 175% more deuterium (11,000 tons), meaning that you would end up producing 340% more total energy during the process, but you would be producing twice as much helium-3 for immediate consumption. Just as an aside, a cubic mile of water possesses over 58,000 tons of deuterium, so the oceans contain enough deuterium for 1.7 billion years of D-D fusion.
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