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Old 01-02-2018, 02:09 AM   #67
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Default Re: X-Files level characters

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
* Having the FBI as a Patron seems like it would tend to be offering pretty major support (not Minimal Intervention), and in an FBI game I'd expect it to be doing so quite often... though the listed levels may be about right for X-Files as Mulder. (Though I think assigning an official Patrol and calculating points seems mainly a distracting thing to do, even just in the exercise of weighing a fictional character in this thread - "Does your estimate take into account his Patrons, Enemies, Allies, Contacts, etc...???" "Well, if it DOES, then that point total isn't much of a measure of his abilities, is it?")
This is one of those times when I'd pull out GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank, treating the FBI as a base 20-point Patron and giving them an FBI Rank to indicate what Assistance Roll they need in order to get aid from the agency. FBI Rank 4 at the base 5/level gives an AR of 9 or less, so Mulder and Scully would get assistance when in the field roughly 45% of the time when they need it; a higher Rank would give better Assistance Rolls. (I can actually see Mulder's FBI Rank being somewhat lower than Scully's, because of him being ostracized inside the agency, but he's also got that network of outside backup he can call on represented by Allies, Contacts, and Favors on his character sheet.)
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