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Old 04-26-2017, 06:12 PM   #26
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ronkonkoma, NY
Default Re: [Basic] Time to learn familiarities

I did read your posts carefully, however, your assertion that familiarity only applies to equipment whose use or repair is the main point of the skill is an assumption on your part and I do not accept that assumption. Nothing, I say again, nothing in B169 Familiarities supports that view.
It's not an assumption, it's what the text says.

"Any skill used to operate equipment... takes a penalty when you are faced
with an unfamiliar type of item."

Carpentry is not a "skill used to operate equipment." It's a skill that makes use of equipment, but it is not "used to operate equipment." That phrase means the reason you use the skill is to operate the equipment. You don't use Carpentry to operate tools. You do use Driving to operate vehicles.

By your assumption, familiarity should not apply to maintaining a weapon because maintaining the weapon is not the main point of the skill.
That is not what I said, and it is not what the rule implies. The target object of the Guns skill is still a gun. Whether you're shooting it or fixing it makes no difference. The point of the skill is to make use of the item in the normal ways it is used. That includes driving, cleaning, repairing, or whatever else the skill allows you to do with it.
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