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Old 01-29-2018, 09:39 AM   #22
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Exotic Governmental/Legal Systems

A bit more generally it seems there are a few possible approaches

You can make decisions in an exotic way (flipping a coin, reading entrails, whatever). These tend to be doomed - coming up with a system that reliably makes *better* decisions than people thinking about the issues and picking what seems the best answer to them is tough.

You can select the decision makers in an exotic way. This will usually work well enough provided there is a way for those with ambition or actual power groups to influence or control some of those selections somehow.

Or you can divide authority among several decision-makers in an unfamiliar way (the Red King commands the army and decides cases where the defendant is a woman, the Blue King makes laws the apply when the moon is up and sets taxes in years that are not prime numbers, the Green king makes the laws for when the moon is below the horizon and decides the rest of the cases, The Purple king sets the prime number taxes and picks the clergy...)
MA Lloyd
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