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Old 07-20-2015, 04:44 PM   #29
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Default Re: How to go about making an Ultra Tech Bow

A further note on the warbow and it's use:
It is not meant for a low power and/or serious campaign.

It is meant for the trained warriors in a cinematic campaign where the special background bit like the "elven nobles" are 300 points and in case of the elves about half those points are combat related.

So the "average elven archer" will have weapon master(bow), heroic archer, ST 13+strongbow perk, DX 16, 16-24 points in the bow skill so:
A bow skill of 20-22 thus an one second aiming skill of maybe 30.
Thus they can easily hit targets out to the 1/2d of 450 yards range with a bit of aiming without using the homing/guided effect.
When used by them the bow does 1d+15(10) with the war arrow. Thus doing 1d+7 imp damage though a military cyber suit for an average of 21 injury.
Against a dreadnaught suit you kind of want to fire at the limbs(or an eye if easy enough shot against unsuspecting foe) and even then only do 1d6 on the target(or x4 that for eye)
The primary drawbacks of the weapon compared to more normal weapon are the shooting position and the slow rate of fire and the secondary of being very expensive and using an uncommon skill.
The primary benefit is that it is fun... but there are couple secondary too.. you have a weapon and grenade launcher in one and the weapon is fairly silent.

That is the power level/needed penetration that it is designed for.

An average man(dx 10, st 10, 1 point in bow and no special advantages) firing it against a civilian armored target will find the war arrow kind of overwhelming in effect. After one second of aiming they are at 18-range penalty to hit, at full 3 seconds aiming at 22-range, so you expect to hit at ranges of up to 100 yards.. and against someone unarmored it does 1d+10 imp and civilian armors like the Monocrys Suit do not reduce the damage at all..
GURPS spaceship unofficial errata and thoughts:
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