Thread: Steam Bomb
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Old 02-06-2014, 04:25 PM   #14
Join Date: Jul 2007
Default Re: Steam Bomb

The problems I have with BP and TNT is lack of access. I don't have them IMC at the moment. Certainly, they'd be superior explosives. If I could get them rapid firing weapons like the .40 you describe, BP or similar explosives, they'd be better. I'm not sure how to rig that with the available materials. The explosive effect is nice, but I'm not sure shrapnel and concussion would be the biggest impact, but rather the steam.

Certainly it would be more intimidating to field brain friers, but I'm having trouble keeping them alive at the ranges effective for a guy with IQ 10 and Magery 0. More capable mages are terrors in combat, but there aren't enough of them. The available materials for battle mages are being used. I've got a decent pool of helpers and the guys who get work because they can power a continual light wand.

If there's a better way to take advantage of this material in the field, I'm open to it. If it's a matter of needing to vaporize more water, I can look for a solution to that problem. I'm not worried about magic Energy costs, as the spell defines it to 20-60 degrees per minute for the entire sphere at a cost of 2-6 energy. Given that peacetime resources could be used to produce uniform weapons, and you'd only need to push them to critical, it seems like a decent deal. How much water would I really need at what temp to generate a scalding cloud fourty feet across? That's good enough to disrupt a tightly packed infantry formation.
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