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Old 12-15-2020, 06:36 AM   #18
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Magic] Rare Permanent Enchantment, Common Elixirs and Scrolls

Originally Posted by Say, it isn't that bad! View Post
Not mages in general; the sort of mages who make the 1-2 per continent per generation "master enchanters" and the like, with high IQ and Magery 3 - which means they either know the Youth spell, or they have religious, cultural, or personal beliefs against immortality; or they're aiming for a different version of immortality.

Edit: Or Magery 2 and Halt Aging.
Well, that depends on the capabilities of the individual mage and the availability of those spells. If a mage possess Magery 2 or 3 (Enchantment Only, -40%), they are incapable of using either spell. If a mage possesses IQ 10, they are highly unlikely to have either at 15+, which is what is required for a ceremonial casting in normal or better casting at in normal mana regions. If they do have either at 15+ though, it makes more economic sense to spend their time casting those spells on other people than to waste it on enchanting items.

Of course, this depends on the spells being easily available for them to learn. If they are thiugh, they are probably better off purchasing Halt Aging or Youth from another mage, though the economics of those spells suggest a cost of $5,000 or $20,000 per year. An enchanter would need to make enough money to afford such a treatment though.
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