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Old 11-20-2020, 05:26 PM   #10
Black Leviathan
Join Date: Sep 2018
Default Re: How do you name things?

I do a lot with names to add flavor to the campaign both in town names and for NPCs. I want the sound of the name of something to evoke a style that's not always included in the description and it makes it easier for me to build a voice for a character when they have a name that's distinctly familiar to a culture.

For the most part I use google translate and my countries have languages that are black label for real world languages. In the campaign I'm running now the predominant Empire in the world is Italian in style and language and the tiny kingdom that broke away from it is French so the towns I've been naming are mostly French translations of "Fisherman town" Or "Black Cliff Tower" with some of the older central city names where the Empire first settled Italian Names. The Colony to the north becomes to a Kingdom that is Hungarian in culture and language so as they travel into the north of Kingdom they encounter more folks with names like Olav or Onasca rather than Sean-Renault and Lisette. The Fae in my campaign are very Scottish in attitude and in Language but I don't do the accent as it's tiresome and it actually sounds pretty otherworldly to speak a Scottish brogue with a completely flat accent.

When it came time to name Dragons I wanted something that was the opposite of connected to an understandable culture, so I chose words from Sai's song Gangnam Style that sounded cool and I spelled them phonetically. So we end up with Dragons like Sonothaer, Dugaje-Gabul and Cerunsudero

A lot of French and Scottish is just a mouthful for Native English speakers so for some names I'll round off the consonants or swallow some vowels to make it roll of the tongue more easily. The important part is that the keep the mouth feel of those languages.

Whatever you use to name things be methodical and consistent. Chances are your players won't notice if you change things up infrequently but a tonal shift in language will likely stand out and throw them off.
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