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Old 05-14-2009, 11:13 PM   #20
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Default Re: [FAQ] Section 0. Before you start using GURPS . . .

[edit] Forgot to say how great an idea this is! :) [/edit]

Two things in addition to what has alæready been noted by others.

GURPS is a toolkit
I think it's important to not only mention rules here but also the fact that no game will use all advantages, disadvantages or skillw. I know you mention this later but it is one of the most common mistakes for new people and one of the less intuitive ones. After all, stuff like cinematic rules and bleeding ruels are already labeled as "Optional" in the books.

Character concepts aren't always portable!
Others have already commented on this. But in fact I think it would be better to completely remove this section. First off, as many people have mentioned, characters can indeed be ported to other games freely, that is one of the strengths of GURPS.
Secondly it is common sense, even for people who doesn't play RPG's, that you can't take a high powered character into a low poweres campaign. Or take a wizard and put him into a modern spygame. You do not have to mention this in a beginners guide. A beginners guide should IMO be free of filler and only mention the most important stuff, this is not it.
The poitn about some things being a disadvantage in oen setting and not in others should maybe be mentioned in the "GURPS is a toolkit" section instead.

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk
I remember reading something (Nightmares of MIne, by Ken Hite? Robin's Laws of Gaming?) where he is players and she is the GM. Seemed one of the more helpful versions.
Funny, in psychology books about kids and teachers, teachers are usually refered to as "she" while the kid is almost always a "he".
I could see this working for GM/PC as well.

Last edited by Maz; 05-15-2009 at 12:55 AM.
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