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Old 01-28-2011, 01:59 PM   #92
Join Date: Jan 2011
Default Re: GURPS Community Campaign & Adventure Repository

A friend and I are working on our first GURPS campaign, (dual GM). We did something a little different with ours. Instead of letting our friends create their characters names, backgrounds and histories, they are playing as themselves.(One of our friends has a habit of creating "Lockjaw, the Salty Alaskan Crab Fisherdwarf" kind of characters famous for tearing nipples off.) Their histories remain almost the same as their real life counterparts, altered only for reasons specific to the game.

GENETICS WAR-Set in an alternate reality in 2017, the United States is going through a second Equality Movement, involving normal humans and the Mutants, humans who have an altered DNA allowing special and amazing powers.(Xmen meets Wild Cards). Mutants existed in small numbers, their existence remaining unknown until the early 1980's, in which their existence became known after a population explosion.

Now the Earth is in conflict, some nations attempting to control the mutants, others being taken over. The US has taken a neutral stand point, offering any refugee's homes and claiming equality for all, but the population is in disagreement. Individuals have risen up on both sides, some telling to make peace, others promoting violence.

This journey has taken our heroes from battling atop a collapsing Stratosphere in Las Vegas, rescuing a love interest in Seattle after Mount St. Helen goes code red, and crashing an alien mothership into the oceans to the South East, and revealing the source for the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.

With humans having access to advanced weaponry that only responds to human DNA and the near limitless possibilities of being a mutant, the heroes through out the journey found themselves almost turning on each other, the concerns for their particular kind often affecting the events that unfurled.

It is still a Work In Progress, but the main plot is laid out.
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