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Old 02-22-2018, 11:13 AM   #17
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Restoration Spell Makes It Worse

Does Restoration specify that it can be used to remove Disadvantages such as Hard of Hearing? Or does it just reference crippling? If the former, then that means it does make you worse off for a bit. There may be specific instances where modern technology is arguably better than the Restoration spell, but that hardly strikes me as a bug.

If it just references crippling, then you're talking about going from no function to full function in much less time than you'd be looking at for Lasting or Permanent Crippling. Of course, I have to wonder how - or if - Restoration would interact with "Lasting and Permanent Injuries" from Martial Arts, which use the crippling mechanics for certain Major Wounds to see if the character develops infirmities due to internal injuries.

As for resistance, it seems to me that, unless a spell is specifically meant to be irresistible, there should always be the possibility of a resistance, even if the spell is completely beneficial. After all, in some settings Healing spells can harm the undead and similar, and even without that someone who is dying from torture may not want a healing spell to keep them alive for still more torture. In the case of Restoration, Resisted by HT (like Wither Limb) seems appropriate.
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