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Old 10-23-2015, 05:54 PM   #104
Join Date: Feb 2009
Default Re: Game Geekery - GURPS Content Posts

I still think it would very much help to explain the idea of where starting wealth comes from and how Kerna got her gear, especially since her gear has proved extremely relevant to examples . . . . you mentioned shopping, but didn't mention budget or any particular reason for the particular choices in gear (I do find the idea of scale being such a default starting character choice weird, since it was the default starting level DnD 3.0 heavier starting armor . . . . I had always thought of it as being a kind of odd also ran type of armor and that usually people preferred say mail or plate)

I really liked how you illustrated the use of Fast Draw

And the glacial speed at which characters move!

That said, Kerna is 8 yards from the bandit and has move 3, so she could attack on her third round with a move and attack or a slam (and doesn't she have a shield? Shield slams are friends). Or move 3 round 1, move 3+1 sprint round 2, and then round 3 step and attack (and she has a reach 1 sword) . . . . . you know, I misread, you said 'at least 3 turns to reach him', not 'at least 3 turns just to reach him', ah, oops, I misread, bad me
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