Thread: Why Magic Items
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Old 07-10-2020, 09:41 AM   #22
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Why Magic Items

I've taken the opposite approach in my current Legacy Edition campaign: magic items exist as found treasure (though they are pretty rare), and it is imaginable that you could try to convince someone to sell a known item owned by another (also unusual, and my players have tried that but not come to a successful deal as of yet), but if you want some specific kind of item you pretty much have to figure out how to make it, including both the formal requirements in spells, money (don't forget the cost of the laboratory!), apprentices and time, and the in-play consequences (where will you do this? who are your apprentices? what are they like and what do they do? what is happening while you work?). My players are making useful magic items, but it is not introducing imbalance to the campaign.
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