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Old 06-30-2015, 05:18 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Wheellocks and Flintlocks

Originally Posted by Sindri View Post
As it stands wheellocks and the different varieties of flintlocks work mostly the same. Wheellocks seem to cost more and require a spanner, Snaplocks don't operate as well in rain. There are also familiarity penalties between flintlock varieties.
The rain issue is a matter of how closed the lock can be built. A wheel lock doesn't *have* to be less open than a flintlock, it just can be, because you don't need that clear space for the hammer to travel through.

Is there anything else that's significant enough to justify mechanical representation? I've heard that, for example, wheellocks are faster igniting.
I wouldn't expect that to matter much. It's the difference between the time it takes for the wheel to accelerate to a speed that throws sparks and the time the hammer takes to fall. That might matter if you were shooting at distant targets from a moving vehicle, but really probably isn't a lot greater than other sources of variability - say the burn rate of the powder between where the spark hits and the touch hole.
MA Lloyd
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