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Old 10-25-2012, 06:18 AM   #26
Bruno's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Default Re: [LT] Monstrous Bow SM+3

I already have a command line program in perl that mass-produces bows from an input file with the parameters, but it's got a bug somewhere that's doing bad math and making bad bows, I'm still tracking that issue down.

It's also the opposite of user friendly :)

General GUI design principles for horrendously complex sets of inputs:

Multiple tabs: one for each related group of concepts
* General parameters such as TL, what kind of bow (hand, foot, cross), cinematic parameters or realistic, bow quality options, poundage, stave length, draw length.
* Design of the bow stave (material(s), stave shape, working percentage, width, thickness)
* design of the riser (hidden/disabled if working percentage is 100%; materials, thickness, flexibility tolerance, etc)
* design of the stock (hidden/disabled if not a crossbow; materials, thickness, length, special cost multiplier, etc.)
* Arrow design sheet
* materials database editor

Presentation of the results in a small box on the side of the tab group (same as the results box in the spreadsheet probably), plus options to export in SJG forum format plus formatted text or plain text :)

Now you've made me think about it.

I'll see if I end up taking a stab at it - I go on vacation this evening for almost a week, but I may just play Skyrim the entire time.

The downside of a program is that it would prevent the use of the Solution Solver in eXcel, which is a REALLY EXCELLENT tool.
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