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Old 10-16-2012, 12:39 AM   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Southern Illinois
Default Re: Idea: Boosters with additional copies of Races and Classes.

A thought - and I don't want to get too detailed, because I don't want to be posting custom cards or house rules or such...

If there's really, really a desire for more Races/Classes (though I still am liking the Pack o' Monsters booster idea), could it not include cards that:
A) Let you sort through the discards for more Races/Classes
B) Let you steal a race/class from another player
C) Is a "new" race/class that acts like a previous class w/r/t all card interactions but has a different power? Say, a Warlock that interacts with all other cards the same as a Wizard, but instead of the "Fight" or "Charm" spell, it would do something slightly different. Lizard Guy could be Frog Man, etc. You could throw out a booster of these and players could buy one and make them "rare" in their decks or buy seven and make them just as common as the other races/breeds - and their interactions with other cards in the decks could still be there without having to introduce a bunch of new cards.

Just random thoughts.
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