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Old 08-06-2018, 08:16 PM   #19
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: Can a Destiean Sabotage someones future to avert their fate?

Originally Posted by thorr-kan View Post
And then there's the poor Renegade Shedite of the Game [...]
He's very, very sorry for the harm he's done. He loves his Servants very much and does whatever he can to help them. But he has a very strong sense of individuality, and Kryios are not. Redemption will mean loss of self, and this scares the poor Shedite to souldeath.

What would *you* do?
Well, if you mean what I, personally, as a GM would do... I would say the PCs should bring in some Kyriotates to talk to the poor thing and reassure it that multiplicity isn't loss of self. (Well, any more than the demon-to-angel conversion has normally, anyway.) You're still a person afterwards! The Symphony does not puppet you! We are a totally individual Kyriotate! And so is them over there -- oh, wait, she's just in one host and prefers pronouns to agree with host numbers. And you can even have a better grasp of boundaries, like not rummaging around in your host's memories too much, or not even using humans at all! Wouldn't that be nice, to not have to confuse your friends anymore? Here, we can set you up with a Force Catcher that you're attuned to, and you can even talk with it! (This is my favorite Kyriotate hack, BTW. FAVORITE hack.)

Multiplicity doesn't mean you lose who you are -- it just means that "who you are" gets so much bigger! </KyrioEnthusiasm>

Of course, the ability to surrender self and trust you'll get it back is a whole thing in the In Nomine setting, soooooooo the Shedite isn't entirely wrong, either. If a demon were exactly what it was before the Light rearranged its Forces, then redemption wouldn't be relevant.

(Play your game gray? Maybe you just want to recruit that poor Renegade and use its unique abilities for the Greater Good... Oh, hello, SSO setting. >_>)

Now, if I were playing IN Backwards, the poor Shedite should clearly be found by some understanding fellows and brought away from the temptation to the Blank-Eyed Conformists, returning to proper Individuality and caring (obviously) for its hosts in their proper place as its beloved pets. (Obviously, Backwards Kyriotates are forbidden from caring too much for their hosts. Care just enough. But not too much. Tight connections are dangerous. Don't listen to those Sith... er, *cough*, sorry, wrong franchise.)

Now, some extremely sticky issues might come if you get a Game-Shedite riding a willing, knowing host, who wants to experience the Being Ridden thing.
•*Is that healthy for a host? (, probably not? But maybe better than alternatives, depending?)
•*Is the human giving unconditional acceptance of the Shedite Mind-Meld the very thing that's turning the Shedite brighter? (...I'm an evil GM; of course it is.)
•*Is the human using the Shedite's presence to, oh, help cope with PTSD from a bad situation? (Human freaks out; Shedite puts on the brakes and goes, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, you're safe.")
•*Is that a touchy subject that you should check in with your players about? (YES. But you might swap to someone who is very shy and likes going along with a more outgoing demon who is competent enough to keep the host out of danger. It's like having an Elder God as a "guardian angel!"*)
•*Is that kind of a powerful character concept for a couple of hardcore roleplayers? (I know people who'd go for it...)

* All the Cherubim are crying now, yessssss. Except Oorm over there, who looks like a winged sea anemone and doesn't get what the problem is.
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)
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