Thread: Unarmed Combat
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Old 07-10-2018, 06:10 AM   #18
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Tyler, Texas
Default Suggested Revision of UC Talents

Here are my thoughts on revising UC talents. At the outset, I want to state that I am concerned with game balance, not "realism". In my opinion, current UC talents are simply not worth the talent point cost (and high IQ prerequisites).

See my previous post for the reasons. As an aside, one very good player who's been in EVERY TFT campaign I've run since 1983 always plays martial artists. So I have a lot of experience GMing martial artists.

Steve's modifications for UC talents make them more attractive, but don't quite go far enough in my opinion. So here are my proposals:

Neo UC I (1): Does +2 damage barehanded and can shield-rush enemies without a shield. In other words, combine UC I and II into a single talent. IQ 9.

Neo UC II (2): Same abilities as current UC III and IV. IQ 10, adjDX 13+

At this point, a ST9- figure has spent 3 talent points to learn how to do about the same damage as an armed fighter of comparable ST. He will be significantly inferior to fighters of ST10+, who have shield and sword (or ax/mace talent) and do 1.5-2.5 points more damage and can wear armor and use a shield. He has a moderately useful "throw" ability. But he's still going to be inferior to most fighters of comparable ST who spent the same number of talent points.

Neo UC III (3): Same abilities as current UC V. 3 point talent. Note - I'd like Steve to clarify whether the nerve strike ability requires that the target take 3 points of damage *after* taking armor into account. We always played it like that. (I did allow magic bracers that would allow a barehanded fighter to get a weapon/armor enchantment bonus). IQ 11; adjDX 14+

With this system, a starting figure can get Neo UC-I and II and be reasonably useful.

A comment on IQ prerequisites - in 8 years of Tae Kwon Do, I met some very talented martial artists. In general, I did not find them to be significantly smarter than average. Nor did I find that high IQ was required to learn the techniques. At least no moreso than sword techniques.

So I propose that the IQ prerequisites for Unarmed Combat could be reduced even further. If you don't want beginning characters to be able to get the higher UC levels, I suggest increasing the DX requirements rather than the IQ requirements.

Last edited by tbeard1999; 07-10-2018 at 06:13 AM.
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