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Old 03-05-2018, 04:46 PM   #3
a humble lich
Join Date: Jun 2017
Default Re: Help with an artifact (40k Spear of Twilight)

In general, I find it easier to build an artifact like this as an advantage, because there aren't always enchantments from the Magic system that does exactly what you might want.

For the Spear of Twilight, looking it up online it seems to be an ultra-powerful Singing Spear with the afore mentioned curse. I might start as follows:

First the spear itself
Innate Attack 5d Cut (Armor Piercing (10) +200%, Melee attack (reach 1,2) -20%, Can be Stolen -30%, Unique -25%; Total: +125%) 79 points

Innate Attack 4d Imp (Armor Piercing (10) +200%, Melee attack (reach 1,2) -20%, Can be Stolen -30%, Unique -25%; Total: +125%) Alternate Attack -- 15 points

Innate Attack 4d Imp (Armor Piercing (10) +200%, Reduced Max range (Max Range divided by 5) -10%, Limited Use (Once, then "reload for 3s) -20%, Can be Stolen -30%, Unique -25%; Total: +115%) Alternate Attack -- 14 points

Next the life draining
Innate Attack 8d toxic (Follow up -20%, Resistible (with Will -2) -20%, Costs FP (1 FP, resist with a Will roll) -3%, Costs HP (1 HP, resist with a Will roll) -7%, Can be Stolen -30%, Unique -25%; Total: -105%) (This applies to all attack modes, but the second two are alternate attacks) 11 points

The Extra Life
Extra Life(Can be Stolen -30%, Unique -25%) 12 points

Finally the rest of the Curse (some of the curse was built into the life draining power)
HP -1; -2 points
FP -1; -3 points
Terminal Disease (quirk level, will kill the wielder in the far future) -1 point

Total Cost: 132 points

Description: The spear can be used to cut, stab, or be thrown with a reach of 1,2 and a half damage range of ST and max range of 1.5*ST. On a hit the target must make a Will -2 or take an extra 8d damage from life drain, but the wielder also must make a Will roll or take 1HP and 1 FP. In addition, the Spear slowly drains the bearer's life, which permanently reduced the bearer's FP and HT by one and will eventually kill him.

Technical notes: I treated the different attack modes (i.e. cut/stab/throw) as alternate attacks. The spear's damage is not based on the bearer's ST---if that is desired it gets more complicated. Each different attack mode has its own follow up attack, with all but the first purchased as alternate attacks.

The range for a thrown spear is (ST/1.5*ST). The range was purchased as 10/20, which for normal strength should be close to the range for a spear so I rounded. If the character is very strong than they should get less levels of reduced range.

I took the limitation of resistible on the limitation Costs HP and Costs FP. This is not really legal; however, because the advantage already has more that -80% worth of limitations, it doesn't actually matter.

I would like the follow up attack to be resisted with a Contest of Will, but I don't know of any official pricing on that. If I were GM I would rule it as a contest of Will at the given cost because again, the advantage already has more than -80% in limitations already so it doesn't really matter.

Finally, I personally feel the Unique limitation is not good in actual play. It gives the player a big boost in points but often GM's are reluctant to take unique equipment away as it would cripple the character and that would not be fun for the player. But that is just my own philosophy based on my playing style.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the damage of the innate attacks can be modified to what ever you want, or (more likely) whatever you can afford.

Last edited by a humble lich; 03-05-2018 at 04:49 PM.
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