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Old 09-16-2016, 06:48 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
Default inflicting advantages with negative limitations

I've made a couple builds that grant advantages via affliction with significant limitations, sometimes those limitations are powerful enough that they should constitute an attack in there own right.

Affliction DR 10, Temporary disadvantage ATR-1 [15]

Now this can make thematic sense, someone suddenly grows thick armour, but moves slower, however it does not make sense that you are afflicting ATR-1 for free AND getting a discount on the DR as a result.

This gets even more onerous when you tie it with costs HP/FP and worst of all, costs EXP;

Affliction Snatcher /w creation, and permanent, costs FP 10, Costs HP 15, costs EXP [34]

This can make thematic sense for some sort of 'convert your very soul' type ability, but the problem is you are getting a VERY powerful ability AND an attack AND costing the target (who is presumably a foe) a permanent EXP point.

I've considered a few ways to make this 'fair. One of them was 'you can't force someone to use afflicted advantages with limitations, another 'with harmful limitations, but I think I've hit upon a 'correct' way to do it.

An affliction which has limitations beyond limiting the power itself must be linked to an affliction or attack which causes those limitations

Examples from above:
Affliction DR 10, Temporary disadvantage ATR-1 [15]
must be linked with
Affliction ATR-1 [20]

Affliction Snatcher /w creation, and permanent, costs FP 10, Costs HP 15, costs EXP [34]
Must be linked with
Affliction Any quirk, permanent, cumulative (IE gives 1 point in disadvantage)
An attack inflicting FP 10, HP 15 with mods to make it have the same penetration as the affliction (which is most likely going to involve cosmic ignores DR, or Malediction)

What are everyone's thoughts about this?
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