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Old 12-17-2011, 01:20 PM   #13
Join Date: May 2008
Location: CA
Default Re: Pyramid #3/38: The Power of Myth

Originally Posted by demonsbane View Post
You are welcome. Maybe you already are aware of this, but just in case, let me tell to you that the article "The Journey of the Dead" isn't focused in Dungeon Fantasy (of course, you can bend its contents for suiting it).
Oh, I assumed that. It just sounds like the kind of thing that'd fit the DF campaign setting I've had banging around in my head for the past few months very well - basically, a cross between various real-life myths (definitely including Greek, Nordic, Celtic, and Aztec - different mythologies belonging to different nations) and a standard D&D-style world, with wizards, etc. I'm still iffy on whether to include standard D&D-style races like elves and dwarves, though - probably depends upon the group I eventually game it out with. I also don't think I'd want to use the standard magic system - switch it out for Divine Favor for clerical magic and a modified RPM from Monster Hunters for 'arcane' magic.

Anyways, I figure a look at descending into the underworld to raise someone from the dead is a hell of a lot cooler than just casting a 'raise dead' spell, though it might only be used for special kinds of death.
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