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Old 02-28-2021, 06:13 PM   #115
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Default Re: Newcomer seeks advice: Ravenloft in GURPS?

With the re-release of a 5th Ed. D&D Ravenloft setting (albeit with no Core setting anymore, just Islands of Terror all the way) this seemed like a good time to bump this thread with a list of GURPS resources for good Ravenloftish stuff.

GURPS Horror has been updated to 4E, and it's a superb treatment of various types of horror RPG tropes. The Afflictions alone make for great use in much of the Ravenloft's Monstrous Compendiums: e.g. the gaudivore creature that eats others' joy, horrifying window that blasts the sanity of those that try to mind-read it, and the leprous touch and paralyzing touch of mummy and ghoul enemies. Monsters that rely on a specific mental state of their victims before draining them can consider the doleovore and metuovore enhancements (for pain and fear respectively). Strahd Zombies' classic powers of severed animate limbs can now be built using the Independent Body Parts rules. Ravenloftish disadvantages include False Memories (helpful for Darkonian campaigns).

Pretty much any Ravenloftish archetype villain or mook scary character can be found here, including nosferatu, romantic vampires, succubi, zombies, ghouls, handsome strangers, mummies, unseelie spirits, demons, Godzilla-type giant threats, and Adam (Frankenstein's monster).

More generally, this book also summarizes and synthesizes GURPS Thaumatology's numerous options into a chapter on Corruption mechanics. The mob attacks mechanics (for swarms or zombie hordes) also make for a good useful middle-ground between individual combat and the GURPS Mass Combat scale.

GURPS Fantasy is more general than Gothic horror, being useful for tropes at the sword-and-sorcery level of RPGs. I also found this book has a surprisingly deft handling of deities and their relationship (points wise and power wise) with worshippers - in case anybody wants to do a Ravenloft treatment of Gwydion (a demigod-level superbeing in the Shadow Rift) or perhaps Zhakata the False God in G'henna.

Fantasy: Portal Realms is a study of the game genre that the original Ravenloft D&D 1E adventure served, and which remained a partial focus of the Ravenloft line through 2E as its "weekend in hell" occasional one-shot structure.

Magical Styles: Horror Magic uses the Thaumatology Magical Styles structure (similar to creating a "school of martial arts" or "discipline of magic" to collect together a style of related and thematically appropriate spells) to present three preset magical progression paths that reflect a setting where magic is rare, eerie, and secret. Styles include a "dark chanting cultists" style, a self-driven "pact with powers beyond your ken" style, and finally a sort of "recovered folk wisdom hedge magic" type of style.

Edit to add:

GURPS Magic: Death Spells ups the power level and introduces outright "Power Word Kill" style magic. Suitable for the BBEG, liches, and temptation scrolls for the PCs to stumble across. If other magical duels and combat are anticipated, GURPS Magic: Artillery Spells brings D&D-level "fire and forget" ranged mayhem.

Last edited by SolemnGolem; 02-28-2021 at 10:14 PM.
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