Thread: False Aura
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Old 09-24-2020, 07:09 PM   #9
Join Date: Nov 2006
Default Re: False Aura

Originally Posted by Dalin View Post
Sounds like a fun premise. I'm curious whether the slow corruption requires the cleric to do detectably evil things, or if tempting others toward their own weaknesses is subtle enough that it doesn't "de-cloak" the cleric.

In this sort of scenario, I also wonder about the original god (the "good" one). Is he or she unaware of the plot? Unable or unwilling to intervene directly? Does the demon lord try to slip in seamlessly, starting to provide spells and other "holy" powers as the faithful stray? Maybe there is some sort of jamming that has to happen. The evil cleric somehow defiles the main altar every day which blinds, distracts, or blocks the original god somehow.

Many adventure possibilities in all of this.
The idea I have is that this evil church is in a town near a dungeon. There is an old church that is falling into disrepair because they have lost so many worshippers. The evil church is to a new god and it has a lot of wealth and worshippers are flocking to it. There are a few sanctums in the evil church, there is one for initiates which has no questionable services then there are other sanctums below the church with ecstatic dancing and finally one of blood drinking and flesh eating. The blood is extremely intoxicating and addicting. Those who drink it quickly wish to drink more until the price comes where the worshipper sells his soul for more of the narcotic blood.

All this is happening as the PCs are exploring the dungeon nearby. He PCs could get healed in the evil church and be on their way to selling their souls or they might choose the old church and be really healed. But mainly the church is changing th town while the PCs return to town for resupply. At one point the entire town become under control of the evil church which is in league with a demon lord in the nearby dungeon unless the PCs find out the true nature of the church and defeat it.
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