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Old 02-16-2014, 02:06 PM   #39
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Location: West Virginia
Default Re: A character type for a Star Trek game

There are some changes in the character. He's now going to be 19 when the Botany Bay blasts off in 1996, thus he's born in 1977. His stats have been slightly changed also.

Backstory: Aidan (full name Aiden Adair MacConnamara) is born in the San Francisco bay area shortly after his father's death. He's pretty much raised until age four by people hired by his mother and mainly experiences life around the University of Califoria Berkeley. Or rather it's daycare centers and nursery schools. At four he's sent to a boarding school in Boston near the home of distant relatives of his father. The school normally didn't except even profoundly brilliant four year olds but Aiden's family pulled strings.

Aiden lucked out. His cousins loved him. She was a history prof at Boston U. and he was a Concert Musician, and they were both talented and skilled at raising children having had several of their own. At the school the teachers were understanding and Aiden got the addition bonus of a older classmate, who having lost his much loved younger brother, gloms onto Aiden as a replacement. Aiden thus gets welcomed into the life of the school. Aiden, because he was a loved but not spoiled child, has few of the nastier traits of the other "Eugenic Supermen."

Aiden's mother died soon after he started school. Any plans she had for making sure that Aiden thought like his "peers" were ignored and her estate paid his school bills and other expenses. When Aiden was 13 (by this time he had about the same level of education as a normal Harvard Freshman has at the end of his first year of college), Aiden was pulled form school by his sisters, none of whom had seen him since he was two. He spent the next six years at Khan's court as his sisters' confidential secretary, and sometimes handled Khan's household accounts (historians love the details he later gave them, romatics yawned).

Aiden was on the Botany Bay both because he was part of a family that bred particularly true, but also because Khan was aware that Aiden seemed to have measurable ESP. Otherwise Khan had little use for Aiden.

Aiden's last surviving sister was also on the Botany Bay. She was in one of the lifesupport Units that failed.

After the events of Space Seed Aiden asked to face trial and prison rather than to be exiled with Khan. Kirk and Spock, after hearing the young man out, agreed. Khan, though glad to be shed of Aiden, denounced him as a traitor. Aiden called Khan a "Drama Queen."

More tomorrow, my time is up.
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo

Last edited by Astromancer; 05-28-2019 at 01:06 PM.
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