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Old 12-06-2008, 08:56 PM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Portland, OR
Default Re: Gnome's illusion

Hi y'all,

I know this is a bit of an old thread, but searching around the forums didn't seem to offer any resolution to this issue. I was wondering if anyone has come to a suitable decision about this kind of thing.

The other night, some friends and I were playing a game and ran into this situation:

A Gnome was facing a monster, so she played a stronger monster from her hand to beat it. A fellow Munchkin, however, cursed her to make her lose her Gnome race.

So the dispute became: Does the Illusion disappear because it was part of the Gnome's powers (no Gnome = no Gnome powers), or does the Illusion stick around because the spell had already been cast (no Gnome, but the spell's effects are permanent).

Can anyone offer any help? Cheers!
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