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Old 09-28-2019, 06:44 AM   #41
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Default Re: TFT Errata for Hexagram #3

ITL 40: "An Expert Horseman can train riding animals as though he were an Animal [Handler] ..."

Strike ITL 136 "Thus, thrown spells are unlikely to work at a great distance" and add a maximum range to prevent people from attempting Control Person on whomever is sitting in that throne three countries over or Knock on a trapped door the next dungeon level down.

My suggestion is that no Thrown or Special Spell may be attempted if the adjDX to cast the spell is zero or less.

Another reasonable ruling would be to apply "number of MH equal to the basic ST of the wizard who cast it" (ITL 135) as the maximum range for all spells not specifically noted as having greater range than that. This would be another hit against wizards who attempt to get by with ST as a dump stat.

Last edited by hcobb; 10-02-2019 at 07:53 AM.
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